
Manegeer ERP Application
Manageer ERP

This is a starting application for employee management. You can sign-up and login. As a user, you can manage employees, finances, and departments. This was created by utilizing node, passport, Sequelize, express-handlebars, and a number of other Node.js packages. The styling was completed by utilizing Bootstrap, along with some custom CSS.

Manegeer ERP App Manegeer ERP Repository
Weather Dashboard Application
Weather Dashboard

This weather dashboard will take in a user's requested city and display the current day's weather with a number of details. It will also display a 5 day forecast with the important details.

Weather Dashboard
Password Generator
Note Taker

This application will give the user the ability to write a note, click the save button, have it written to the side, have it persist, then delete it.

Note Taker GitHub